The BCC is delighted to announce that Rebecca Deegan has been appointed as the BCC’s new Director of Policy and Public Affairs. Rebecca brings a wealth of experience, working most recently in a senior role for a leading professional institute. Rebecca has extensive experience of representing member views and leveraging their expertise to make recommendations to policymakers to both further the aims of the membership and promote the wider public interest.

BCC chairman, Trevor Cook, said: “In these difficult times for us all, but in particular for those of us who depend for their livelihood on live performances, we continue to plan for the future.  To this end we are delighted to have secured the services of someone with such skills and experience as Rebecca to replace Lis Ribbans in the critical role of Director of Policy and Public Affairs.  Rebecca is highly qualified to help us progress the work of the BCC. We shall be pleased to have her to the BCC from May 1 2020.

Rebecca said: “I am delighted to be joining the BCC and look forward to meeting and working with the Council’s members. I have a keen interest in the arts and, although copyright is a new field for me, I trust that my previous policy analysis and parliamentary experience will assist in a smooth transition.”

Members can reach Rebecca from May at [email protected].