BCC Backs Make it Fair campaign
On Tuesday 25 February, hundreds of regional and national news brand titles ran a campaign to coincide with the end of the UK government’s Copyright and AI consultation and the launch of a bold creative industries campaign to highlight how creative content is...
BCC response to Copyright & AI Consultation highlights strength of current copyright regime, risks attached to Government’s proposed exception and importance of transparency and licensing
The BCC has submitted its response to the Government’s Copyright & AI Consultation. Our submission: Argues that the Government’s preferred policy approach and the introduction of an exception for text and data mining would be ineffective, unworkable, damaging to...
BCC Response to DBT Consultation on the Government’s future Trade Strategy
The BCC responded to the Department for Business & Trade's Consultation on the Government's future Trade Strategy in January 2025, making the case that intellectual property and copyright are central to trade deals and the UK must use trade negotiations to improve...
UK Government launches Copyright & ArtificiaI Intelligence consultation
The Government has launched its consultation on copyright and AI. We look forward to working with the Government and other stakeholders to respond to the consultation and to bring the full strength of the BCC's expertise and knowledge to bear in the development of...
BCC adds voice to the Creative Rights in AI Coalition
The BCC has joined the new coalition of rights holders including publishers, authors, artists, music businesses, specialist interest publications, unions, and photographers which is calling on government to spur growth in the creative and tech sectors by protecting...
BCC signs global AI statement
The British Copyright Council has joined the list of over 31,000 high-profile creators, performers, rightsholders and creative industry organisations who have put their signature to the following statement on AI: “The unlicensed use of creative works for training...