At its meeting on 22nd September, the British Copyright Council thanked Hugh Jones and Gwen Thomas for their contributions to the BCC and its Board. Hugh has recently retired from the Publishers Association and Gwen retires at the end of September.
The BCC elected two new Directors to its Board. They are:-
Isabelle Doran, Director, Artistic Works under (Article 8.1(c)) of the BCC’s Constitution. Isabelle is also Secretary of the BCC’s Copyright Education and Awareness Working Group. Isabelle represents BAPLA, of which she is the Chairperson, at BCC Meetings.
The BCC’s new Treasurer (Article 8.1(e)) is Sarah Faulder. Sarah is an active member of the BCC’s Working Group on Copyright and Technology and also of its Working Group on Principles of Good Practice for Collecting Societies Codes of Conduct. Sarah represents the Publishers Licensing Society at BCC Meetings and is its Chief Executive.