Blog: Global negotiations on copyright (WIPO SCCR)

Blog: Global negotiations on copyright (WIPO SCCR)

The 40th WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights happened online. There were representatives from all over the world and interpreters for all. This blog covers the contributions on limitations and exceptions.

Blog: The Post Implementation Review

Blog: The Post Implementation Review

The BCC’s International Copyright consultant, Florian Koempel, looks at the IPO’s post-Hargreaves implementation review and whether the policy objectives have been met.

BCC responds to the Labour Party ‘Our Digital Future’

BCC responds to the Labour Party ‘Our Digital Future’

The Labour Party has consulted on the principles that should govern its approach to digital technologies ‘to build a digital future that is safer, fairer and more inclusive’. In our response we have highlighted that if the UK wants to drive digital innovation across...