Policy Priorities: A world-leading copyright regime

Policy Priorities: A world-leading copyright regime

The British Copyright Council’s analysis of the copyright landscape and its recommendations for government and industry action.  The creative industries are major contributors to the UK’s economy, societal fabric and its reputation as a cultural hub. They...
Blog: The Right to Copy by Denise Swanson

Blog: The Right to Copy by Denise Swanson

Denise Swanson, the new Chair of the BCC’s Copyright Education and Awareness Working Group shares her top tips for getting copyright – right. If you require any further information, be sure to check out our copyright resources.

Blog: Global negotiations on copyright (WIPO SCCR)

Blog: Global negotiations on copyright (WIPO SCCR)

The 40th WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights happened online. There were representatives from all over the world and interpreters for all. This blog covers the contributions on limitations and exceptions.