News: WIPO Training Course 2016

This year sees the 24th Advanced Level Training Course in Copyright and Related Rights.  The Course, organised jointly by the British Copyright Council (BCC) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and in association with the United Kingdom’s...

News: S.72 CDPA – BCC supports Option 3

The BCC’s response to the consultation on proposed changes to Section 72 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 which permits the free public showing or playing of a film contained in a broadcast, does not support the option preferred by Government in its...

News: Change of BCC Directors

At its meeting on 22nd September, the British Copyright Council thanked Hugh Jones and Gwen Thomas for their contributions to the BCC and its Board. Hugh has recently retired from the Publishers Association and Gwen retires at the end of September.  The BCC elected...

News: Support BBC Music Services at

A Campaign in support of BBC music services has been launched by and aimed at protecting the services from cuts during charter renewal.  All who enjoy and/or provide content to the BBC’s music services can follow the campaign online...