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Please note these presentations are available only to participants in the 2019 training course and are for their personal reference only.

Recent BCC submissions to the ICO and IPO

The BCC has recently made submissions on behalf of its members to two consultations - the first in the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) consultation series on Generative AI and Data Protection, and the Intellectual Property Office's (IPO's) consultation...

The British Copyright Council: AI Repository

The British Copyright Council (BCC) represents those who create, hold interests, or manage rights in literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works. The following AI repository has been developed with our membership which include professional associations, industry...

In Memory of David Harmsworth

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of David Harmsworth, a well-respected figure in the copyright world, a steadfast colleague, and a dear friend to many. David departed this world last week on September 12, 2023, after a brief illness. He was...

Day One
Day Two

Delivering IP Policy

Dr Ros Lynch
Director of Copyright and Enforcement Directorate, IPO

Overview of national, regional and international instruments, and current issues

Dr. Gaetano Dimita, Senior Lecturer in International IP Law, QMUL

WIPO update: SSCR & Beyond

Michele Woods
Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO

General Principles of Copyright Law

Jonathan Griffiths
Professor in Intellectual Property Law, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London

Introduction to Collective Rights Management in the UK

Andrew Yeates
Consultant on Copyright and Creators’ Rights & Director, British Copyright Council

Marrakesh Treaty and the needs of people with print disabilities

Richard Orme
CEO, DAISY Consortium, and Director, Accessible Books Consortium

WIPO Internet Treaties

Michele Woods
Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO

Marrakesh Treaty: Overcoming the book famine

Michele Woods
Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO

Marrakesh Treaty: Overcoming the book famine

Michele Woods
Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO
Day One

Delivering IP Policy

Dr Ros Lynch
Director of Copyright and Enforcement Directorate, IPO

Overview of national, regional and international instruments, and current issues

Dr. Gaetano Dimita, Senior Lecturer in International IP Law, QMUL

WIPO update: SSCR & Beyond

Michele Woods
Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO

Day Two

General Principles of Copyright Law

Jonathan Griffiths
Professor in Intellectual Property Law, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London

Introduction to Collective Rights Management in the UK

Andrew Yeates
Consultant on Copyright and Creators’ Rights & Director, British Copyright Council

WIPO Internet Treaties

Michele Woods
Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO

Marrakesh Treaty and the needs of people with print disabilities

Richard Orme
CEO, DAISY Consortium, and Director, Accessible Books Consortium

Marrakesh Treaty: Overcoming the book famine

Michele Woods
Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO

Day Three
Day Four

Rights & Interests of Publishers

William Bowes
General Counsel, Condé Nast

The Relationship Between Author, Agents & Publishers

Maureen Duffy, FRSL,KCL
Author and President of Honour, British Copyright Council

Literary & Dramatic Works - Legal Basis & Licensing Practice

Richard Combes
Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society & Director of the British Copyright Council

Public Lending Rights: International Perspective

Dr Jim Parker
Co-ordinator, International PLR

Introduction to Collective Rights Management in the Publishing Sector

Sarah Faulder
CEO, Publishers’ Licencing Services & Director of the British Copyright Council

Copyright & Cultural Heritage

Anthony Misquitta
General Counsel,
V&A Museum

Copyright & Developing Countries Part 1

Professor Uma Suthersamen
Professor of International Intellectual Property Law, Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Copyright & Developing Countries Part 2

Professor Graham Dutfield
Professor of International Governance, University of Leeds
Day Three

Rights & Interests of Publishers

William Bowes
General Counsel, Condé Nast

The Relationship Between Author, Agents & Publishers

Maureen Duffy, FRSL,KCL
Author and President of Honour, British Copyright Council

Literary & Dramatic Works - Legal Basis & Licensing Practice

Richard Combes
Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society & Director of the British Copyright Council

Introduction to Collective Rights Management in the Publishing Sector

Sarah Faulder
CEO, Publishers’ Licencing Services & Director of the British Copyright Council

Public Lending Rights: International Perspective

Dr Jim Parker
Co-ordinator, International PLR

Day Four

Copyright & Cultural Heritage

Anthony Misquitta
General Counsel,
V&A Museum

Copyright & Developing Countries Part 1

Professor Uma Suthersamen
Professor of International Intellectual Property Law, Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Copyright & Developing Countries Part 2

Professor Graham Dutfield
Professor of International Governance, University of Leeds
Day Five
Day Six

Musical Works – Legal Basis & Law

Karen Fishman
Senior Corporate Counsel, PRS for Music

Musicians - Rights in Practice

Phil Kear
National Organiser, Musician’s Union

Enforcement process in the UK

Phil Sherrell
Partner, Bird & Bird

Panel: The UK's enforcement landscape

Chaired by Eddy Leviten
Chief Operating Officer, Federation Against Copyright Theft

Film & TV: overview of current issues

Charlotte Lund Thomsen
Legal Counsel, International Federation of Film Producers Association, and International Video Federation

Copyright Tribunal – Functions & Practice

Colleen Keck
Deputy Chairman, Copyright Tribunal

Perspective of the judiciary

Sir Richard Arnold
Judge of the High Court of England
and Wales

Day Five

Musical Works – Legal Basis & Law

Karen Fishman
Senior Corporate Counsel, PRS for Music

Musicians - Rights in Practice

Phil Kear
National Organiser, Musician’s Union

Day Six

Enforcement process in the UK

Phil Sherrell
Partner, Bird & Bird

Panel: The UK's enforcement landscape

Chaired by Eddy Leviten
Chief Operating Officer, Federation Against Copyright Theft

Film & TV: overview of current issues

Charlotte Lund Thomsen
Legal Counsel, International Federation of Film Producers Association, and International Video Federation

Copyright Tribunal – Functions & Practice

Colleen Keck
Deputy Chairman, Copyright Tribunal

Perspective of the judiciary

Sir Richard Arnold
Judge of the High Court of England and Wales, Chancery Division


Day Seven
Day Eight

Artistic Works

Reema Selhi
Legal & Policy Manager, DACS (Design & Artists’ Copyright Society)

Simon Marshall
Head of Legal, DACS

Get It Right Campaign

Mariane Grant
Motion Picture Association

Audio Visual Performers Rights, Beijing & Beyond

Andy Prodger
Chief Executive British Equity Collection Society

BBC Rights Management

Felicia Strehmel
Executive Project Manager and Strategy Lead, British Broadcasting Corporation

Copyright Protection & Awareness Initiatives

Nic Fearon-Low
Head of External Engagement, IPO

An Introduction to PPL

Camilla Waite
Head of Legal & Business Affairs, PPL

Policy Making & Stakeholder Engagement in Copyright

Nadia Vally
Deputy Director, Copyright and Enforcement Directorate, IPO

Impact of Political Change on Copyright Policy

Andrew Yeates
Consultant on Copyright and Creators’ Rights & Director, British Copyright Council

The Role of Government, International Policy Directorate and the Work of IP Attachés

Huw Watkins
International Policy Directorate, IPO

Overlap Between Copyright, Trade Marks, Patents & Designs

Dr Mark Mimler
Senior Lecturer in Law, Centre for IP Policy and Management, Bournemouth University

Day Seven

Artistic Works

Reema Selhi
Legal & Policy Manager, DACS (Design & Artists’ Copyright Society)

Simon Marshall
Head of Legal, DACS

Audio Visual Performers Rights, Beijing & Beyond

Andy Prodger
Chief Executive British Equity Collection Society

Copyright Protection & Awareness Initiatives

Nic Fearon-Low
Head of External Engagement, IPO

Get It Right Campaign

Mariane Grant
Motion Picture Association

BBC Rights Management

Felicia Strehmel
Executive Project Manager and Strategy Lead, British Broadcasting Corporation

Day Eight

An Introduction to PPL

Camilla Waite
Head of Legal & Business Affairs, PPL

Impact of Political Change on Copyright Policy

Andrew Yeates
Consultant on Copyright and Creators’ Rights & Director, British Copyright Council

Overlap Between Copyright, Trade Marks, Patents & Designs

Dr Mark Mimler
Senior Lecturer in Law, Centre for IP Policy and Management, Bournemouth University

Policy Making & Stakeholder Engagement in Copyright

Nadia Vally
Deputy Director, Copyright and Enforcement Directorate, IPO

The Role of Government, International Policy Directorate and the Work of IP Attachés

Huw Watkins
International Policy Directorate, IPO

Day Nine

Copyright & AI

Dr Noam Shemtov
Director of Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute

Software and Computer Programs

Trevor Cook
Partner, WilmerHale, and Chair of the British Copyright Council